
Elizabethe Payne, LGBT Social Science and Public Policy Center at Roosevelt House

Speakers include:

Elizabeth Clark, Planned Parenthood

Shannon Price Winter, National Center for Lesbian Rights

Arlene Stein, Rutgers University

Rye Young, The Third Wave Fund

Facilitated by: 

Paisley Currah, LGBT Social Science Public Policy Center Board Member; Brooklyn College and the Graduate Center, CUNY

When the Supreme Court decision granted LGB people the right to marry last June, many pundits announced that the “culture wars” had come to an end. But those working on LGBTQ, gender, and reproductive rights and justice find themselves faced with new and recurring forms of opposition in states and municipalities, as well as in Congress, including: the use of religious freedom legislation to limit LGBT non-discrimination laws and to restrict access to contraception and abortion; bills that ban transgender people from using bathroom that don’t match their sex assigned at birth; the continuing assault on reproductive rights. Panelists will address these and larger questions: How is reproductive justice an LGBTQ issue, and vice versa? How did abortion rights become detached from the “culture wars” such that winning the right to same-sex marriage is thought to mark the end of this particular episode in American politics? What can movements for reproductive rights/justice and LGBTQ rights learn from each other? How should we imagine the relationship between feminism and trans politics?

New Fronts in the Culture Wars: Bathrooms, Reproductive Access & Religious Exemptions | Posted on December 7th, 2015 | Public Programs