The LGBT Social Science & Public Policy Center at Roosevelt House
In partnership with the Roosevelt House Public Policy Center at Hunter College, Silberman Aging, and Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging, will convene a Research and Policy Symposium on LGBTQ Aging
March 2, 2017
Symposium 1:00 PM
Reception 6:00 PM
RSVP here
There are an estimated 2.7 million LGBT older adults in the United States. This population faces a complex set of risks beyond those of their aging heterosexual peers. Older LGBT adults faced legal discrimination, stigma, shame, and violence throughout their lives often with no familial support, and many lost their friendship networks through the AIDS crisis of the 1980s and 90s. LGBT older adults are often reluctant to seek health or long-term care services and face greater health risks than their heterosexual and cisgender peers, due largely to perceived lack of cultural sensitivity among service providers. Despite the increased visibility of LGBT issues in health and social policy and growing awareness of these disparities, considerable work is needed to promote the delivery of culturally relevant services and begin to include LGBT elders in the local, state, and national policy agendas.
Join us for presentations and discussion with researchers and policy makers on inclusion of LGBT elders in policy and responsive care.
Welcoming Remarks, 1:00 PM
Elizabethe Payne, Ph.D., Interim Director, LGBT Social Science and Public Policy Center, Hunter College
Nancy Giunta, Ph.D., Acting Director, Silberman Aging, Hunter College
Session One: Assessing the Policy Landscape for Healthy LGBT Older Adults, 1:20 PM
This session will review advances in LGBT aging from a research and policy perspective. Panelists will discuss past success and propose strategies for continued research and policy advances at the state and federal levels to protect the health and rights of older LGBT Americans.
Sean Cahill, Ph.D., Director of Health Policy Research, The Fenway Institute. Federal and State Policy Changes to Support Healthy Aging Among LGBT Older Adults
Loree Cook-Daniels, FORGE. On the Precipice: Transgender Elders
Robert Espinoza, MPA, Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute (PHI). A Policy Roadmap: Re-forms to Improve the Lives of LGBT Older Adults
Nancy Giunta, Ph.D., Hunter College. Supporting Cultural Competence in the Aging Services Network
John Cochran, Deputy Director, New York State Office for the Aging. Connecting New York State Aging Policies
Katharine Bloeser, Ph.D., Hunter College
Coffee break
Introduction, 3:00 PM
Harold Holzer, Jonathan F. Fanton Director, Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College
Session Two: Creating LGBTQ Aging Friendly Communities
Panelists will present and discuss local and state efforts to support age-friendly communities that promote equality and inclusion of LGBT older adults. The focus will include housing, culturally competent supportive services, and opportunities for social and civic engagement.
Mignon R. Moore, Ph.D., Barnard College – Columbia University. Intersection of Multiple Stigmas: The Case of Racial and Sexual Minority Elders
Aaron Tax, Director of Federal Government Relations, Services and Advocacy for GLBT El-ders (SAGE). Improving the Lives of LGBT Older Adults
Mohan Vinjamuri, Ph.D., Lehman College. Intergenerational Social Work practice with LGBT Clients: Strengthening Communities, Improving Outcomes
Robin Fenley, Ph.D., NYC Department for the Aging. Age-Friendly NYC and the LGBT Voice
NYC Council Member Ritchie Torres, Deputy Leader of the New York City Council
Lindsay Goldman, MSW, New York Academy of Medicine
Coffee break
Session Three: Addressing the Needs of the Most Vulnerable LGBT Elders: Risks and Resilience, 4:25 PM
This session will focus on those with HIV, elders of color, and transgender elders who face the most precarious situations and are most likely facing intersectional discrimination in labor, health care, housing, and other arenas.
José Albino, M.Ed., GRIOT Circle. Meeting the Needs of LGBTQ Elders of Color
Mark Brennan-Ing, Ph.D., AIDS Community Research Initiative of America (ACRIA). How HIV Affects Social Support in Older Gay and Bisexual Men
Alexis Kuerbis, Ph.D., Hunter College. Daily Drivers of Drinking Among Problem Drinking Men Who Have Sex With Men Ages 50 and Older
Carmen Vázquez, Director, LGBT Health Services Unit, New York State AIDS Institute
Dan Gardner, Ph.D., Hunter College
Next Steps and Future Policy Directions, 5:20 PM
Using feedback and discussion from the previous sessions, this wrap up will offer reflections on research and consider concrete strategies for researchers and policymakers to support the human rights and civil rights of LGBT older adults in New York City, the State, and nationally.
Nancy Giunta, PhD, Hunter College
Bobbie Sackman, MSW, LiveOn NY
John Cochran, New York State Office for the Aging
Loree Cook-Daniels, FORGE
Ken Greenstein, Board Member, Brookdale Center for Healthy Aging
Elizabethe Payne, Ph.D., Hunter College.
Reception, 6:00 PM
Katharine Bloeser
Assistant Professor at the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter CollegeJohn Cochran
Deputy Director of the Executive Division, New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA)Robert Espinoza
Vice President of Policy, Paraprofessional Healthcare Institute (PHI)Robin Fenley
Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Long-Term Care, NYC Department for the AgingLindsay Goldman
Director, Healthy Aging, Center for Health Policy and ProgramsKen Greenstein
Board Member, Brookdale Center for Healthy AgingAlexis Kuerbis
Assistant Professor, Silberman School of Social Work, Hunter College (CUNY)Mignon Moore
Associate Professor of Sociology, Barnard CollegeNYC Council Member Ritchie Torres
Deputy Leader of the New York City Council, 15th Council DistrictCarmen Vázquez
Director, LGBT Health Services Unit, AIDS Institute of the NYS Department of HealthMohan Vinjamuri
Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Lehman College (CUNY)