Q. How can I apply to this program?
A. Students can apply by contacting the Public Policy Program Coordinator Bianca Oliva for more information:
(E-mail– bo47@hunter.cuny.edu).
Q. What are the academic requirements for the program?
A. You must have completed 45 credits, have a declared major, and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Q. How many credits are required for a minor in Public Policy?
A. The minor consists of 6 courses (18 credits) of core courses.
Q. How do I pursue the Certificate in Public Policy?
A. In addition to completing the 6 core courses, students who want the certificate must complete an additional three courses, approved by Roosevelt House’s Director of Public Policy, in an appropriate area of specialization.
Q. Can I use courses in this program to fulfill general education, pluralism & diversity, writing and major requirements?
A. Any course that has been approved for such purposes can be applied towards these requirements.
Q. What if I am a transfer student; how many courses can I bring from another school into the program?
A. All students are required to take the interdisciplinary Introduction to Public Policy course (#1) and the Capstone Seminar (#6) at Hunter College. One course from areas #2 and #3 must also be taken at Hunter. No more than half of the credits for the minor or certificate can be transferred from another institution. All transferred courses must be approved by the program director.
Q. Where will the classes be held?
A. The Introduction to Public Policy course (PUPOL 100) as well as the Capstone Seminar (PUPOL 400) will be offered in state-ofthe-art classrooms at the Roosevelt House. Othercourses will be held at Hunter College’s 68th Street campus.
Q. Are the Introduction to Public Policy course (PUPOL 100) and Capstone Seminar (PUPOL 400) open to all students?
A. Students in all majors are welcome to enroll in PUPOL 100: Introduction to Public Policy. The Capstone Seminar (PUPOL 400) is only open to students enrolled in the program. They cannot be used to fulfill any other requirements.