
PPP People

Program Director:

Lina Newton

Program Coordinator:

Brady Steele,

Public Policy Program Faculty Advisory Committee (Link to Page)


Fall 2024 Faculty:

First NameLast NameSchoolDepartment
PhilipAlcabesUrban Public HealthCommunity Health Program
MatthewBakerArts and SciencesEconomics
KarnaBasuArts and SciencesEconomics
ManuBhagavanArts and SciencesHistory
JohnChinArts and SciencesUrban Policy and Planning
MargaretChinArts and SciencesSociology
ElizabethCohnSchool of NursingNursing
JesseDanielsArts and SciencesSociology
MonicaDezaArts and SciencesEconomics
MarcEdelmanArts and SciencesAnthropology
RuthFinkelsteinUrban Public HealthBrookdale Center for Healthy Aging
RoseanneFloresArts and SciencesPsychology
NancyFonerArts and SciencesSociology
LisaGeorgeArts and SciencesEconomics
TimothyGoodspeedArts and SciencesEconomics
JillGrossArts and SciencesUrban Studies and Planning
OwenGutfreundArts and SciencesUrban Policy and Planning
JackHammondArts and SciencesSociology
Jessica HallidayHardieArts and SciencesSociology
WilliamHerbertNational Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions
DavidHimmelsteinUrban Public Health
DanielHurewitzArts and SciencesHistory
MatthewLasnerArts and SciencesUrban Studies and Planning
MichaelLewisSocial Work
ElizabethMarcelloUrban Studies
PeterMarcotullioArts and SciencesGeography and Environmental Science
ErinMayo-AdamArts and SciencesPolitical Science
EllenMcCabeSchool of Nursing
ElidorMëhilliArts and SciencesHistory
LinaNewtonArts and SciencesPolitical Science
MariannaPavlovskayaArts and SciencesGeography and Environmental Science
CharlesPlatkinUrban Public Health
ShirleyRapsArts and SciencesBiology
SanfordSchramArts and SciencesPolitical Science
SigmundShippArts and SciencesUrban Studies
CalvinSmileyArts and Sciences
WilliamSoleckiArts and SciencesGeography and Environmental Science
IdaSusserArts and SciencesAnthropology
DeborahTolmanArts and SciencesWomen and Gender Studies
VirginiaValianArts and SciencesPsychology
JessicaVan ParysArts and SciencesEconomics
JosephVitterittiArts and SciencesUrban Policy and Planning
Catherine KramarczukVoulgaridesEducationSpecial Education
StephanieWoolhandlerUrban Public Health