Hunter’s distinguished Roosevelt House Faculty Associates provide the backbone for the important work that takes place at Roosevelt House. Roosevelt House Faculty Associates develop, guide and teach in the Public Policy and Human Rights Programs.
Recent Faculty Publications
- Roosevelt House Professor’s Biography of Freedom Fighter Tops Indian Bestseller List
- RH Public Policy Program Faculty Member and Hunter College Political Scientist, Sanford F. Schram Receives Prestigious Book Award
- Roosevelt House Human Rights Program Director Jessica Neuwirth authored the Commentary: Commercial surrogacy bill further erodes the rights of women in The Times Union
Roosevelt House News
Important Roosevelt-Era Relics Donated to Roosevelt House at Hunter College
Roosevelt House Human Rights Program Director Jessica Neuwirth Receives ‘Woman of Vision’ Award
Dr. Lina Newton Named Interim Director of Public Policy Program at Roosevelt House
Faculty Associate NewsRoosevelt House Human Rights Program Director Jessica Neuwirth Receives ‘Woman of Vision’ Award
Dr. Lina Newton Named Interim Director of Public Policy Program at Roosevelt House
Roosevelt House Faculty Associate Catherine Kramarczuk Voulgarides Awarded $1.7M Institute of Education Sciences Grant
Undergraduate Program NewsRH Human Rights Program hosts Tirana Hassan, Executive Director of Human Rights Watch
Hunter Senior Devashish Basnet Earns A 2022 Rhodes Scholarship
Roosevelt House Human Rights Director Jessica Neuwirth Receives Legion Of Honor Citation From Consul-General Of France
Roosevelt House Faculty Forum
The Fiscal Relief States Really Need
- By: Howard Chernick
Facing a coronavirus-induced recession, states and cities are looking at an acute fiscal crisis, with the National Governors Association requesting $500 billion in fiscal relief from the federal government.
In recessions, the federal government has a crucial responsibility to maintain the fiscal viability of states and local governments. Without additional federal revenue, states ...
Basic Income In Canada: What’s in a Name?
- By: Sheila Regehr
In the matter of where things stand on basic income in Canada, I find that a great deal depends on how it is named and framed. By clearing away some confusion, I think there is good reason to be optimistic about the success of the movement towards a basic ...
The Story of Roosevelt House
The story of Roosevelt House, a double townhouse located at 47-49 East 65th Street, begins at the turn of the twentieth century…
Roosevelt House, an integral part of Hunter College since 1943, reopened in 2010 as a public policy institute honoring the distinguished legacy of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. Its mission is three-fold: to educate students in public policy and human rights, to support faculty research, and to foster creative dialogue.
Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College
47-49 East 65th Street, New York, NY 10065
tel: 212.650.3174 | email: