Intersections of Race and Class in Special Ed PolicyAbout:
Dr. Alfredo J. Artiles is Associate Dean and Ryan C. Harris Professor of Special Education at Arizona State University’s (ASU) Mary Lou Fulton Teacher’s College. His scholarship focuses on understanding and addressing educational inequities related to the intersections of disability with other sociocultural differences. His work aims to advance policies, personnel preparation programs, and inclusive educational systems in diverse contexts. He directs the Equity Alliance and co-edits the International Multilingual Research Journal (Taylor & Francis) and Teachers College Press book series Disability, Culture, & Equity. He was Vice President of the American Educational Research Association (AERA) (2009-2011). Dr. Artiles is an AERA Fellow, a Spencer Foundation/National Academy of Education Postdoctoral Fellow (1998-2000), and a 2008-09 Resident Fellow at Stanford’s Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He received the 2012 Palmer O. Johnson Award for best article published in an AERA journal. Dr. Artiles has held visiting professorships at Leibniz University (Germany), the University of Göteborgs (Sweden), the University of Birmingham (UK), and Universidad Rafael Landívar (Guatemala). He serves on President Obama’s Advisory Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanics and is the author of Inclusive education: Examining equity on five continents (Harvard Education Press) (with Kozleski & Waitoller).