• About:

      Mohan Vinjamuri, PhD, LMSW is an Assistant Professor in the Lehman College (CUNY) Department of Social Work. His research includes social work with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) populations, contemporary fatherhood, and pedagogical strategies for teaching evidence-based practice. He has published and presented on a number of topics related to LGBT populations including families headed by gay fathers, LGBT adolescents and child welfare practice, and LGBT issues in social work education. Among courses he teaches at Lehman are an elective on Social Work Practice with LGBT Populations, which he co-developed, and Social Work Research Methods. He has practiced with adolescents and young adults as a teacher and social worker for almost 25 years in various educational and social service settings. He has provided trainings to child welfare professionals and other youth service providers on a number of topics related to vulnerable youth.