Faculty Associate
Affiliated with:
Phone: (212) 772-4412
Email: dhaverty@hunter.cuny.edu
Visit departmental website
Recent Publications:
- Trotskyists on Trial: Free Speech and Political Persecution Since the Age of FDR. New York University Press, Culture, Labor, History Series. 2015.
- Rethinking U.S. Labor History: Essays on the Working-Class Experience, 1756–2009, co-edited with Daniel J. Walkowitz. The Continuum International Publishing Group. 2010.
- ‘Punishment of Mere Political Advocacy’: The FBI, Teamsters Local 544 and the Origins of the 1941 Smith Act Case,” Journal of American History (June 2013): 68 – 93
Current Projects:
Grace Carlson and the Work of Class: Political Radicalism and Lived Catholicism in Twentieth-Century America
Research Areas: History, Labor Policy