• Bio:

    Dr. Trief advises and teaches in the graduate education programs in Blindness and Visual Impairment and Severe/Multiple Disabilities including Deaf blindness. For twenty-four years before joining the faculty at Hunter College in 2000, Dr. Trief educated children and adults with visual and multiple impairments, as well as serving as the Director of Education and Preschool and Early Intervention at an agency for the blind in New York City.


    Dr. Trief earned her B.S. in Elementary Education and Speech from SUNY New Paltz, her M.S.ed. in Special Education and Blindness and Visual Impairment from Boston College, and her Ed.D. in Special Education and Administration from Teachers College, Columbia University.

  • Current Projects:

    National Video clip library of exemplary teaching for preparing teachers of the Blind and Visually Impaired.
    STACS: a Standardized Tactual Augmentative Communication System published by the American Printing House for the Blind for students with severe and multiple disabilities.

  • Research Areas: Special Education