Faculty Associate
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Office: HW 1110
Phone: 212 772-5049
Email: sbonner@hunter.cuny.edu
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Sarah Bonner received her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Arizona in 2005 with specialization in educational measurement and research methodology. Prior to entering academia, she worked in the field of K-12 education for many years, as an administrator and certified teacher of high school English in programs for high-risk adolescents in Chicago and Southern Arizona.
Sarah Bonner’s main area of research is the study of cognitive processes that underlie academic test performance and their relation to validity of test score interpretation. She also studies the relationships among theory, perception, and practice in classroom assessment. Related to her work with the MSPinNYC2 project, she is currently engaged in studying development of academic identity and achievement among high school students who participate in an intensive peer instructional leadership experience.
Recent Publications:
- Bonner, S. M., Somers, J. A., Rivera, G. J., & Keiler, L. S. (2017). Effects of student-facilitated learning on instructional facilitators. Instructional Science.
- Bonner, S. M. (2016). Teachers’ perceptions about assessment: Competing narratives. In G. T. L. Brown & L. R. Harris (Eds.), Handbook of Human and Social Conditions in Assessment. New York: Routledge.
Current Projects:
The Peer-Enabled Restructured Classroom: A New Partnership to Transform Urban Secondary School Mathematics and Science Experiences.
Research Areas: Adolescent and Women’s Health, Classroom assessment, Peer-facilitated instruction, Psychology, Tests and measurement