
Roosevelt House Articles and Books Contributed by Roosevelt House Faculty Associates

August 26, 2015

Recent edited volume on Food Sovereignty co-edited by Professor Marc Edelman (Anthropology)

Critical Perspectives on Food Sovereignty, edited by Roosevelt House Faculty Associate Marc Edelman, James C. Scott, Amita Baviskar, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Eric Holt-Giménez, Deniz Kandiyoti, Tony Weis and Wendy Wolford…  

May 7, 2015

Recent book by Faculty Associate Sanford Schram – “The Return of Ordinary Capitalism”

Faculty Associate Sanford Schram has a new book out September 2015 – The Return of Ordinary Capitalism: Neoliberalism, Precarity, Occupy (Oxford). As Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward argued in the…  

January 14, 2015

Community Matters: Service-Learning in Engaged Design and Planning, co-edited by Sigmund C. Shipp (Urban Affairs and Planning)

Mallika Bose is Associate Professor of landscape architecture at Penn State University, USA. Paula Horrigan is Associate Professor of landscape architecture at Cornell University, USA. Cheryl Doble is Associate Professor…  

January 8, 2015

Faculty Associate Nancy Foner (Sociology) Co-authors Paper Comparing Immigration Integration in U.S. and Western Europe

Faculty Associate Nancy Foner co-authored a recent paper in International Migration Review with Richard Alba. The paper, “Comparing Immigrant Integration in North America and Western Europe: How Much Do the…  

December 30, 2014

Global Land Grabs, co-edited by Marc Edelman (Anthropology)

Marc Edelman is professor of anthropology at Hunter College and the Graduate Center, City University of New York. Carlos Oya is Reader in Political Economy of Development at SOAS, University…  

December 23, 2014

Seeing the Light: The Social Logic of Personal Discovery

The chorus of the Christian hymn “Amazing Grace” reads, “I once was lost, but now am found, / Was blind but now I see.” Composed by a minister who formerly…  

August 13, 2014

Interactive Democracy: The Social Roots of Global Justice

How can we confront the problems of diminished democracy, pervasive economic inequality, and persistent global poverty? Is it possible to fulfill the dual aims of deepening democratic participation and achieving…  

Breadlines Knee-Deep in Wheat – Food Assistance in the Great Depression (Revised and Expanded)

At no time during the Great Depression was the contradiction between agriculture surplus and widespread hunger more wrenchingly graphic than in the government’s attempt to raise pork prices through the…  

March 24, 2014

Summer in the City: John Lindsay, New York, and the American Dream

Summer in the City takes a clear look at John Lindsay’s tenure as mayor of New York City during the tumultuous 1960s, when President Lyndon Johnson launched his ambitious Great Society…  

March 17, 2014

Lethal But Legal: Corporations, Consumption, and Protecting Public Health

Decisions made by the food, tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceutical, gun, and automobile industries have a greater impact on today’s health than the decisions of scientists and policymakers. As the collective influence…