Jerusalem has been described as the “volcanic core” of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Competing religious, national, and historic narratives exist side-by-side in the city, in a constant struggle for legitimacy, validity, and survival. Please join us for talk with Daniel Seidemann, a leading expert on contemporary Jerusalem, regarding his book A Geopolitical Atlas of East Jerusalem and the issues in Jerusalem which affect the prospects for a peace settlement.

An Israeli attorney specializing in Israeli-Palestinian relations in Jerusalem, Seidemann has argued more than 20 Jerusalem-related cases before the Israeli Supreme Court. In 2010, Seidemann launched Terrestrial Jerusalem, an Israeli NGO that works toward a resolution to the issues in Jerusalem that is consistent with a two-state solution. Mr. Seidemann is a native of Syracuse and a graduate of Cornell and Hebrew University. He immigrated to Israel in 1973 and is a retired Reserve Major in the Israeli Defense Forces. In 2010, he was named an honorary Member of the Order of the British Empire in recognition of his work in Jerusalem.

The Political Geography of Jerusalem – A Talk by Daniel Seidemann | Posted on April 11th, 2016 | Human Rights Program Events, Public Programs