
Newsletter: Your Day

My Day was the name of a daily column written by Eleanor Roosevelt, syndicated in almost 100 leading newspapers throughout the United States. In her column, the First Lady reported to Americans about her work at the United Nations, where she presided over the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted 70 years ago.

The first article of the Declaration reads “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.” 70 years later we are still struggling for the realization of this simple truth in our world. At the United Nations, Eleanor Roosevelt spoke of the Declaration as “a common standard of achievement for all peoples of all nations.”

Having worked for more than thirty years in the human rights movement, heartened by some progress and deeply concerned by setbacks, I come to Roosevelt House looking to you, the Hunter students in the Human Rights Program, to take leadership and move this agenda forward with your energy, your creativity, your vision and your commitment to the future. This is Your Day.

Jessica Neuwirth,
Rita E. Hauser Director of the Human Rights Program

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Your Day serves to share news, upcoming events, and other available resources and opportunities. We invite our Human Rights Program community to send in a paragraph for this column by completing the Human Rights Program Newsletter Contribution Form.

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