Posted on June 5, 2012 · Posted in Faculty Associates News, Roosevelt House General News

The Bajo Aguán region of Honduras is currently the site of the most acute agrarian conflict in Central America in the past fifteen years. In May, Marc Edelman (Anthropology, Hunter and the Graduate Center) was invited to two linked events, both held in Tocoa, the district capital of the Bajo Aguán: (1) an International Public Hearing on the Human Rights Situation of the Peasant Communities in the Bajo Aguán; and (2) an International Seminar on the Human Rights Situation of the Peasant Communities in the Bajo Aguán. He was  part of the “presiding committee” of the Public Hearing, presented a paper in the International Seminar on peasants’ rights and the United Nations, and participated in drafting and translating the final report of the Public Hearing.