The Complex Realities of the ‘Brexit’ Vote

The United Kingdom’s decision last month to leave the European Union – commonly known as ‘Brexit’ – stunned the world. Brought to a referendum by former Prime Minister David Cameron as a political maneuver to counter the anti-E.U. sentiments threatening his leadership in the Conservative Party, political leaders from across the globe expected U.K. voters to choose to remain a part of the European Union.

However, there were many critical factors that hinted at the opposite – and eventual – outcome. To understand the complex realities of the ‘Brexit’ vote and the roots of the discontentment that led to a populist campaign demanding that the U.K. delink itself from the political and economic ties to the European Union, Roosevelt House invited experts from Hunter College to provide short commentaries on the referendum and its outcome. Below are opinions submitted by Hunter College faculty Shyama Venkateswar (Public Policy), Howard Chernick (Economics), Michael Lee (Political Science), Elidor Mëhilli (History) and Sanford Schram (Political Science).

Shyama v

‘Brexit’: A Brief Overview

By Shyama Venkateswar, Director, Public Policy Program, Roosevelt House and Distinguished Lecturer, Hunter College

Howard Chernick.fw

The Economic Impact of the Brexit Vote

By Howard Chernick, Professor of Economics, Hunter College

michael lee

The Politics of the Brexit and Beyond

By Michael Lee, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Hunter College


“No feelings of emotion”: After Brexit, what next for Europe?

By Elidor Mëhilli, Assistant Professor of History, Hunter College


Voting for Trump is Not Like Voting for Brexit

By Sanford F. Schram, Professor of Political Science, Hunter College