Posted on December 11, 2023 · Posted in Roosevelt House General News

Yalda Royan, left, with Fawzia Koofi and Asila Wardak, both members of the Women’s Forum on Afghanistan, held a media briefing on Dec. 11, 2023, at Roosevelt House, Hunter College, in Manhattan, after they met privately with the United Nations Security Council regarding a new assessment on Afghanistan. The women said it downplayed human rights considerations. JOHN PENNEY/PASSBLUE

Yalda Royan, left, with Fawzia Koofi and Asila Wardak, both members of the Women’s Forum on Afghanistan, held a media briefing on Dec. 11, 2023, at Roosevelt House, Hunter College, in Manhattan, after they met privately with the United Nations Security Council regarding a new assessment on Afghanistan. The women said it downplayed human rights considerations. JOHN PENNEY/PASSBLUE