Climate Injustice: Are There Solutions?About:
Peter J. Marcotullio has been at Hunter College, City University of New York (CUNY) since 2007, where he is currently Professor of Geography, Director of the CUNY Institute for Sustainable Cities and faculty member in the Earth and Environmental Sciences Program, CUNY Graduate Center. He is also Adjunct Professor of Urban Planning at Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation and a member of the Scientific Steering Committee of the International Human Dimensions Program, Urbanization and Global Environmental Change project. Prior to 2006, Peter was Professor of Urban Planning in the Urban Engineering Department, University of Tokyo, and held several positions at the United Nations University, Japan. He has been a Coordinating Lead Author in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and Coordinating Lead Author in the Global Assessment of Urbanization and Biodiversity and Contributing Author in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fifth Assessment Report.