Faculty Associate
Affiliated with: The Public Policy Program
Phone: (212) 396-7528
Email: colleen.henry@hunter.cuny.edu
Ph.D., School of Social Welfare, University of California, Berkeley
M.S.W., School of Social Welfare, University of California, BerkeleyCourses Include:
Social Welfare Policies & Services
Policy and Practice Issues in Child WelfareRecent Publications:
Henry, C. (2017). Expanding the Legal Framework for Child Protection: Recognition of and Response to Child Exposure to Domestic Violence in California Law. Social Service Review, 91 (2), 203-232
Henry, C., Carnochan, S., & Austin, M. (2017). Using Qualitative Data-Mining for Practice-Based Research in Child Welfare. Child Welfare, 93(6), 7-26
Current Projects:
Family Violence Research Project: Principal Investigator
Through analysis of child welfare case records and administrative data, this research project examines one urban public child welfare agency’s response to allegations of child exposure to domestic violence. Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, this project examines how child welfare workers construe child exposure to domestic violence as harmful to children and how these constructions influence child welfare service decisions.Child Welfare Qualitative Data-Mining Project: Co-Principal Investigator
In partnership with the Mack Center on Nonprofit & Public Sector Management in the Human Services at the University of California, Berkeley and public child welfare agencies, this project develops and applies qualitative data-mining (QDM) techniques to examine child welfare policy and practice. QDM, the systematic mining of narrative data from administrative data systems,enhances our understanding of child welfare populations, emerging social problems, client needs, and promising social work practices.Research Areas: Child Exposure to Domestic Violence, Child Welfare Practice and Policy, Child Well-being, Children's rights and participation, Welfare State Theory