Please join us at Roosevelt House for a very special evening: “A Conversation with New York State’s Transportation Leaders.”  An extraordinary panel has been convened by Howard Glaser, 2018 Theodore Kheel Fellow in Transportation Policy at Roosevelt House.

The panelists are:

Joseph Lhota, Chairman, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)

Patrick J. Foye, President, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA)

Rick Cotton, Executive Director, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ)

Scott Rechler, Chair, Regional Plan Association and Board Member, MTA, former Vice Chair, PANYNJ.

The panel is a signature event of the Theodore Kheel Fellowship in Transportation Policy, housed at the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College.  The late Mr. Kheel was a strong advocate for public transit and saw transportation as a civil rights issue.

This evening is made possible through the generosity of The Nurture Nature Foundation.

We hope you will be able to participate in this important discussion.

A Conversation with New York State’s Transportation Leaders | Posted on March 19th, 2018 | Kheel Fellowship, Public Programs