The Roosevelt House Human Rights Program
and Solidarity Engineering
invite you to attend
Reproductive Health Beyond Borders
presented in person and on Zoom
Thursday, March 16
6:00 PM (ET)
Reception to Follow
Please join us for the launch of here4HER, a new initiative spearheaded by Human Rights Program student Charlie Le Grice, dedicated to supporting the most underserved even among underserved women. We are re-igniting conversations about critical women’s issues that demand a space in the center of human rights discourse, by campaigning for human rights organizations committed to serving these women and girls. For this reason, the first here4HER campaign is launching with Solidarity Engineering.
Solidarity Engineering is a women-founded, women-led humanitarian aid organization currently based along the U.S.-Mexico border. Its mission is to provide community driven, public health based engineering to people in crisis. Building shelters and W.A.S.H. facilities, distributing basic needs supplies and providing health education they are a dedicated team of human rights defenders.
We are honored to partner with Roosevelt House in bringing together a dynamic panel of field experts to address the challenges faced by thousands of migrant women and girls, who lack access to adequate reproductive health care. We also welcome Kattia Martinez who will be sharing her own experience, living in the migrant camps of Reynosa and making the journey from the border to NYC, where she now advocates for the rights of migrant women.
Jennifer Harbury
Distinguished Author, Advocate, Human Rights Attorney
Kattia Martinez
NYC Women’s Rights Advocate
Lupe M. Rodríguez
Executive Director of the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice (Latina Institute)
Chloe Rastatter
Co-Founder of Solidarity Engineering
Charlie Le Grice
here4HER Campaign Director
Human Rights, Hunter College
International Relations, CUNY Graduate Center
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