Join us for the first in a series of public events to create dialogues among veterans, their families, and other members of the community. Participants in this program, sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities, discuss classic works of literature, history, and philosophy to illuminate moral transformation, injury, and repair resulting from the experience of war. Join us for different book discussions and public events each month from now until May.

Dr. Jonathan Shay, recipient of a MacArthur “Genius” Award and author of Achilles in Vietnam, will be in conversation with David Wood, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist for his reporting on American troops severely wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. The evening will also feature the poetry of the highly acclaimed poet and dramatist Tom Sleigh, who teaches in Hunter’s Creative Writing program.

A Warrior Ethos: Ancient and Modern | Posted on February 22nd, 2017 | Book Discussions, Faculty Public Programs, Public Programs