As a vibrant hub for public policy dialogue and civic engagement, Roosevelt House offers a number of exciting opportunities for Hunter College students. Alongside its undergraduate programs in public policy and human rights, Roosevelt House hosts brown-bag lunch series and roundtable discussions with policy makers, government officials, and community activists, especially for Hunter students and faculty.
Student Events: Roosevelt House hosts speakers and provides unique opportunities for student engagement with public features from Peace Corps Director Aaron S. Williams to National Endowment for the Arts Director Rocco Landesman.
JFEW Eleanor Roosevelt Scholars Program: Honoring the legacy of Eleanor Roosevelt and funded by the Jewish Foundation for the Education of Women, this 2-year program offers women at Hunter College the opportunity to explore careers in public policy and public service throughout their junior and senior years. Competitively-selected Scholars receive tuition assistance, a paid summer internship in New York, a 3-day Washington DC seminar, dedicated workshops, and invitations to special events at Roosevelt House.
Paths in Public Service: Paths in Public Service (PPS) is a series developed by the Public Policy Program (P-cubed) that provides students an informal opportunity to speak firsthand with practitioners from outside Hunter College to learn about their experiences as policymakers, social entrepreneurs, issue advocates, and community activists, in addition to their journeys en route.
Roosevelt Institute Campus Network: In keeping with the Roosevelt legacy, the Roosevelt Institute Campus Network is an independent student policy organization that engages students in progressive activism by empowering student leaders and enabling them to promote their ideas for change. Hunter College has a particularly active and engaged chapter. Please click here to view the Roosevelt Institute Campus Network’s website.
Sara D. Roosevelt Library: The historic Sara Delano Roosevelt Library is a student space on the 2nd floor of the Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute. Students are encouraged to respectfully read, visit, and relax in this space–please check the SDR Library calendar to ensure the space will be open.
Hunter College Roosevelt Scholarship Program: Roosevelt Scholars explore and engage in public and civic issues through specially designed, shared courses, and unique events with government officials, policy makers, community activists, academics, and social sector organization leaders. Roosevelt Scholars receive a significant tuition award for 4 years, and preferred access to Hunter’s residential housing and housing aid.
Spitzer Fellows Program: The Spitzer Student Engagement Program allows for a number of enriching opportunities for P-cubed students. The program supports a stipend for the P-cubed Chief Information Officer, a public policy student who fosters and engages the P-cubed community through social media and is also responsible for “Frank Friday.” Every summer, up to two Spitzer student fellowships are awarded. The purpose of the Spitzer Fellows Program is to fund opportunities—from local to global—for public policy students to gain experience in public interest work during the summer by interning with organizations only able to provide unpaid or minimally-paid internships. Every academic year, the Spitzer Capstone Prize is awarded to the best Public Policy Capstone project. The fund allows the program to sponsor P-cubed students’ attendance at conferences such as CGI-U, SCUSA and NAFAC. Fellowship funds may also be used to seed or expand a student-initiated social venture, organization, or campaign.
Get Social With P-Cubed: Check out the program’s pages and profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn (P-Cubed Alumni Group), and Twitter.