Opening session of the Presidential Leadership Symposium: Revisiting the Great Society, from FDR and LBJ to Today. Filmed in New York, NY (March 14, 2012) at Hunter College. Welcoming Remarks: Jennifer J. Raab, President, Hunter College; Introductory Remarks: Mark K. Updegrove, Director, Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Museum; Keynote Address: Robert A. Caro, Author of The Years of Lyndon Johnson; Moderator: Bob Schieffer, CBS News Chief Washington Correspondent and Moderator of Face the Nation; Panelists: Joseph A. Califano, Jr., LBJ’s Chief Domestic Advisor; former US Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare (1977-1979); Ervin Duggan, LBJ’s Staff Assistant; former President of PBS; George McGovern, former Democratic Presidential Candidate, US Senator, and US Ambassador to UN Mission in Rome; Walter F. Mondale, 42nd Vice President of the United States and former US Senator; Bill Moyers, LBJ’s Special Assistant; President, Schumann Media Center.
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